Dates - whether fresh or dried - contain a wide variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They are therefore ideal as a healthy snack for in-between meals, because they replenish the body's energy reserves in no time. But also in the kitchen, the natural fruit sweetness of the date can be used in many ways - often to replace conventional sugar in a natural way. Get inspired by our delicious date recipes!

Healthy snacks, sweet desserts and delicious dishes with dates

Due to the fine, natural sweetness of the date, the fruit is just perfect as a sugar substitute in all kinds of sweet dishes. Especially for healthy snacks or vegan energy bars, which taste sweet even without sugar and are supposed to supply the body with energy, the date is always popular. But also in savory dishes, the sweet note of the date is often a great addition. Among our recipes you will find both sweet and savory dishes with dates. Fresh, high-quality ingredients and interesting flavor combinations make each of our delicious date recipes a culinary experience.

From dates wrapped in bacon to vegan date ice cream: discover our variety of recipes.

Our recipes use both dried and fresh dates. For the classic bacon-wrapped dates, which you can fill with cheese, cream cheese or almonds before wrapping them in bacon, we recommend fresh, large, juicy dates such as Medjool or Khidri. For our delicious vegan fruit bread, on the other hand, dried, slightly harder dates are also very suitable. In some recipes, date sweetener is also used in the form of date sugar or syrup.

Crostini mit Radicchio, Datteln, Balsamico Zwiebeln und Pinienkernen

Crostini mit Radicchio, Datteln, Balsamico Zwiebeln und Pinienkernen

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Köstliche Brownies mit Datteln und Kokos-Salzkaramell

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