Schokodatteln Bio - Mazafati
Schokodatteln Bio - Mazafati

Organic chocolate dates - Mazafati

Sale price6,99 €
6,99 € /100g
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 11107
Contents:100 g

Organic chocolate dates - Mazafati: Deliciousness in pure chocolate

Not all chocolate dates are the same. At least not with us. One look at our range and it becomes clear: no two date varieties are the same. So how could we be satisfied with just one type of chocolate date? What they all have in common is a dark chocolate melt made from nothing but pure cocoa mass. However, what is hidden inside differs considerably from variety to variety.

What makes Mazafati chocolate-coated dates so unique?

What sets our Mazafati dates in chocolate apart from the fleshy, caramel-sweet chocolate Medjool and the crunchy chocolate Deglet-Nour is their consistency, as our Mazafati dates remain the unsurpassed stars among dates in terms of creaminess. The Mazafati owe their incredibly soft, melt-in-the-mouth interior to the extreme climate of their homeland, the Dasht-e-Lut desert. With surface temperatures of up to 70°C, the desert is one of the hottest places on earth, but it is the night frosts that soften the fibers of the dates in the oases, transforming their flesh into black-golden pralines. These dates, coated in pure chocolate, defy the finest confectionery.

Organic Mazafati dates in chocolate: two ingredients are enough for a place in the praline Olympics

Two ingredients, you read that right. As dates consist of almost 70 percent fructose and glucose, there is no need for added sugar. We also completely dispense with it in the chocolate coating in order to bring out the natural sweetness of the date. The term "chocolate" here refers to the pure cocoa mass, which is obtained from the whole, ground beans. It contains 100% cocoa butter and the so-called cocoa. This makes our dark chocolate dates a vegan and valuable natural delicacy.

What's in dates, the bread of the desert?

Dates bear their nickname, "bread of the desert", for several reasons. Apart from the simple fact that dates are one of the few fruits that traditionally thrive in the hot and dry zones of the earth as long as they have access to underground water, they also owe their nickname to their immense shelf life: in the dry desert climate, dates can be kept for years, if not decades. If they are not kept fresh in clay pots buried in the sand, they simply dry out in the air instead of spoiling. The hard-dried fruits become soft again when chewed. This makes them ideal provisions for long desert treks.

More important, however, is the high energy content, which is even higher than the average calorie content of normal bread. And it is not only the energy suppliers, the carbohydrates, which are present in dates in the form of fructose, glucose and fiber, but also a range of minerals that make dates so valuable. For example, dates are rich in copper, which is important for the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems as well as for our connective tissue. Dates also contain large amounts of potassium, which is important for our muscle function and for maintaining a balanced blood pressure. So it's no wonder that dates are so highly valued in the areas of the world where they grow.

Natural snack or fine gift: buy delicious organic Mazafati chocolate dates online now

What the desert dwellers benefit from also applies to us: dates are the only way to snack so deliciously and with a clear conscience. We prefer to snack on our Mazafati chocolate dates ourselves, and not just on rainy Sunday afternoons with a cup of coffee. Hard-core gourmets also treat themselves to this fine delicacy for their afternoon slump in the office or as a reward after endurance training. But if you want to give someone a treat, we can't think of a better gift, as small as it is delicious, than these chocolate-coated Mazafati dates with 100% certified organic ingredients. Just be careful - these date chocolates are definitely addictive and the desire for more is sure to come! Our chocolate dates, as well as a fine selection of other date delicacies, can be ordered easily and conveniently in our online store.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Gute Qualität der Produkte

Super lecker!!! Ich werde auf jeden Fall wieder bestellen.

Kathrin B.
Die Schokolade ist Ihnen oft zu süß? Hier nicht! Herrlich schokoladig ohne klebrigen Gaumen. :)

Einfach nur lecker!
Unsere neue Lieblingsleckerei :)

Eva Heldt
Probierpaket Nr.1

Alles in bester Qualität!

Lecker, aber zu wenig Dattelsüße

Ich habe mir alle drei Dattelsorten mit Schokoüberzug bestellt um sie miteinander zu vergleichen und für mich - obwohl wenig Unterschied zu schmecken war - waren Mazafati die besten. Generell ist mir persönlich die Schokolade aber zu vorherrschend und die Dattelsüße zu wenig.

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