Date mustard organic, raw
Date mustard organic, raw

Date mustard organic, raw

Sale price5,99 €
3,33 € /100g
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 61003
Content:200 g

Organic date mustard: a culinary love affair between East and West.

Besides ketchup, the most famous condiment in our latitudes today is mustard. It is available in all imaginable varieties, with whole grains or as a fine paste, yellow and brown, in degrees of spiciness from extra hot to sweet and in combination with herbs to exotic fruits. Something as traditional Bavarian and exotic as our sweet date mustard is probably unique in the wide field of mustard specialties. From unground mustard seeds and dates, we have created a sweet and sour, earthy table mustard with a spicy aftertaste, which brings European spice tradition with a touch of the Orient to full fruition. The result is a product that stands out for the following:

  • From the dates to the mustard seeds, only the best organic quality products are used.
  • Thanks to the natural fruit sweetness of the date, we can completely dispense with the addition of sugar
  • Our date mustard is of raw food quality and of course without the addition of preservatives.

What exactly is in our noble mustard with dates, and what not?

Finest Iranian dates conjure here from an original, coarse-grained mustard a quaint white sausage mustard for traditionalists and also a must-have for globetrotters, modern gourmets and nutrition-conscious alike. Mazafati dates are grown in Iran in the oases near Bam. At over 1000 m above sea level, the dates grow under very special climatic conditions, which are responsible for the very fine fiber structure of the fruit. The tender flesh of the Mazafati can therefore be processed particularly well into date puree. We then use this fine date puree to give the mustard mixture, which consists only of yellow and brown mustard seeds, Demeter apple cider vinegar, water and lemon juice, its sweetness and creaminess. An absolute peculiarity is that we do not add sugar, in any form whatsoever. This is a standard ingredient in common sweet and even some medium hot mustards, not infrequently ranking first on the list of ingredients. Even fig mustard often does not get along without added sugar! Our date mustard proves that it can be done differently.

Slow Food for connoisseurs

Our goal is to leave a product as natural as possible and to give it the time it needs during production. In doing so, we do not help, but let nature work for us. After bottling, our mustard is allowed to mature in the jar for two months. In fact, this is a fermentation process to which we owe the seasoning and shelf life of this food, because we are dealing here with a pure raw food product. However, the seeds also need some time to develop their full flavor. The result is a sweet mustard with a fine date aroma and pleasant spiciness, which not only pleases our stomach, but also our palate.

The long way of the yellow spice to our plates

Mustard was cultivated in Asia as early as 3000 BC and its seeds, as well as leaves and stems, were used in cooking and medicine. Via Asia Minor, it finally reached Europe in the third century BC, where it was cultivated for a long time, especially in Spain. The Romans had developed a recipe for table mustard and it was they who brought the popular seed across the Alps to us in Central Europe, where for centuries it remained the only available hot spice along with horseradish until the discovery of the New World.

Mustard only in the kitchen? This was not always the case:

Ancient scholars considered mustard primarily a remedy, and as such it finds mention in the writings of Greek, Arab, and Central European scholars after the Romans made the spice known north of the Alps. Keeping this background in mind, it is only logical not to undermine the historical meaning of this particular spice by adding sugar. So with fine date puree, we not only give this classic of spice cuisine an oriental twist, but in this way also bring it a good deal closer to its original purpose.

For extra-fruity spiciness: Order organic date mustard online now and try it!

We in Bavaria enjoy our date mustard with a well-kept Weißwurst breakfast, and you? Maybe you prefer it with tofu sausage or roasted vegetables? Especially delicious: as a dip in combination with sheep or goat cheese and fruit. A pithy, fruity dressing for salads is also very easy to make yourself with date mustard. All you need is a good oil, salt and pepper. And how about a fine date mustard marinade for grilled meats at a summer barbecue? No matter where and how you use it in the kitchen, it's true: our date mustard provides that certain something extra. Buy now and try for yourself!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Susanne Wessel

Sehr lecker, auch zu Salaten.

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