Date syrup organic, raw
Date syrup organic, raw

Date syrup organic, raw

Sale price6,49 €
3,61 € /100ml
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 61007
Content:180 ml

Date syrup - sweetness from nature's armory in organic quality

A delicacy, natural and an absolute all-rounder in the kitchen: Organic date syrup from Nara is definitely one of the superfoods of tomorrow and in our eyes the best natural alternative to household sugar. In North Africa and the Middle East, it has been traditionally used for thousands of years. In the Arab world it is known as "rub" and in Israel it is an integral part of kosher cuisine under the name "milan". And when the Bible speaks of milk and honey, it refers to the so-called "date honey". Despite all this, the fine thick juice from dates is still considered an insider tip in this country.

Thick juice from dates - a culinary wonder weapon from the Orient

For a long time, the caramel syrup had a shadowy existence in the West. Thanks to globalization, we are not only getting to know and appreciate more and more fascinating foods and products from all over the world, but today research is also focusing on these culinary cultural assets.

Scientific facts about date syrup

In particular, from a study conducted by Cardiff Metropolitan University in 2015, there were amazing results regarding the fruity sweetener. When examining date syrup, microbiologist Hajer Taleb was able to determine a particularly high antibacterial effect. The test results of the date product are in no way inferior to the values of Manuka honey from New Zealand, which has gained worldwide reputation for its healthy properties.

Buy date syrup online and sweeten your day

For those who pay attention to a healthy diet, but do not think much of renunciation, our date syrup is the ideal sweetener for daily use, especially if you like it a little spicier. The taste of date syrup reminds a little of the sweet-malty taste of sugar beet syrup. Natural, vegan, without preservatives and other artificial additives, it can be used to sweeten anything that needs it - and all without sugar. Thus one can, begun with the morning coffee over the cake in the afternoon up to the last cup tea before going to bed, completely simply without the use of conventional household sugar and instead date syrup select.

A particularly fine touch for sweet dishes - without sugar

In almost any recipe, sugar can easily be replaced by date syrup. While some recipes may require minimal adjustments, you can generally replace the amount of sugar one-to-one with date syrup. In addition, the syrup gives the sweet dishes a subtle, pleasantly fruity flavor. It tastes particularly good, for example, as a sweetener in pastries made with wholemeal flour and intense spices, such as in gingerbread, which is traditionally made with syrup. Simple, quick and really delicious is also our sugar-free banana cake recipe with date syrup. Especially in baking and cooking, the liquid consistency of the syrup is often an advantage and can be used very well instead of household sugar. Thus, the dark thick juice is also excellent as a natural topping for a wide variety of dishes, from pancakes to ice cream and pudding. Fresh yogurt with date syrup and fruit is considered a Middle Eastern classic - try it for yourself!

From hearty to sweet and sour - a sweetness to fall in love with

Even though we are dealing with a sugary ingredient, this does not mean that the use of date syrup is limited to desserts and pastries. Quite the opposite - savory dishes often benefit from the subtle sweetness of date syrup. In Israel and the Arab world, there are a number of traditional recipes where it is used to marinade meat and vegetables, for example. But other dips and sauces also look great with a dash of this tangy sweetness; for example, the sesame paste tahini in Iran is made with date syrup. While we are already thinking of refining dark, sweet and spicy barbecue sauces and fine honey mustard dressings with the fruity syrup, there is only one thing to say: there are no limits to your imagination when it comes to using this honey-like, golden-brown syrup made from dates.

A natural product from organically grown fruit

We want to know exactly where our products come from and how they are processed. It is therefore particularly important for us to personally know not only the date farms, but also the factories where products such as date syrup are made. In this way, we continue to learn more and more in the field of food processing and have the opportunity to incorporate our own ideas into the manufacturing processes.

We choose the best fruits for the syrup!

After testing syrups from different types of dates, we finally decided on this syrup made from Mazafati dates. The dark, sweet fruits, which of course come from the best, organic cultivation, give our date syrup a very fine, slightly spicy aroma.

How the syrup is made - a product of raw food quality

Traditionally, for the production of date syrup, dried fruits are soaked in water, then boiled down until a thick, brown syrup is formed, and then filtered. For our organic date syrup, however, we choose the ripe fruits. These are simply pressed, not exceeding a temperature of 40°C. This ensures that the product ends up retaining as many of the important nutrients as possible. Then the juice, which is still very liquid after the first pressing, is stored in the sun for some time. Thanks to the hot, dry climate of the region, the water evaporates quickly in a natural way and thus, after a short time, the pressed fruit becomes a delicious, dark syrup with a honey-like consistency. Although the cooked syrup from conventional production is often cheaper in price, in taste and quality our organic date syrup is hard to beat.

Recipes with our dates

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