Grüne Rosinen Premium Bio, Rohkost

Green Raisins Premium Organic, Raw Food

Sale price4,99 €
2,50 € /100g
Sold out
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 83001

We have received fresh Green Raisins from Pakistan - so pleasantly sweet and juicy - you will love them!

Our green raisins in raw food quality invite you to snack with their soft consistency and mild-sweet full-bodied aroma! They are harvested ripe and gently dried in the shade. The color of the raisins can sometimes turn out slightly green-brownish. However, this is not a quality defect, but only shows that the raisins were not dried completely in the shade, but in light sunlight. Throughout the drying process, our farmers monitor the raisins, so you can expect our usual high quality.

Mildly sweet, high in fiber, full of antioxidants and raw food quality.

Our Green Raisins are rich in vitamins, high in fiber and antioxidants. They are ideal for baked goods of all kinds, for fruit bars, mueslis or simply as a snack in between.

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