Medjool Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Medjool Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Medjool Super Fresh Bio Datteln

Medjool Super Fresh Organic Dates

Sale price6,99 €
4,37 € /100g
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 12011
Weight:160 g

*** Bitte wähle beim Check-Out den Express-Versand, damit die Super Fresh Datteln gut bei dir ankommen. ***

  • Ursprungsland: Israel

  • Geschmack: karamellig and fruchtig

  • Konsistenz: saftig, cremig, weich, and zartschmelzend

  • Lagerung: Gefrierfach

  • Inspiration: eisgekühlt genießen

The first Medjool dates of the season

At the beginning of the date harvest, the best and largest Medjool dates are harvested and selected by hand. These dates are very juicy and do not undergo any natural drying process. They are only ever packed in a single layer and stored frozen until they are sold. The Medjool Fresh date is a real raw food fruit that impresses with its enormous size and weight. It is very fleshy and juicy, has a pleasant sweetness and a balanced aroma. It is three times the size of the usual Medjool date.

In Morocco, the country of origin of this date, the inhabitants ate one every day for breakfast as long as raw dates were available. They are said to have grown very old.

Medjool dates of the highest quality

After we receive your order, the Medjool Fresh dates are taken from the cold store and packed very carefully. Many of these Medjool Fresh dates weigh over 30 grams. We always pack 9-12 dates per box. We are delighted to be able to offer you this limited selection of Medjool dates of the highest quality. As a date lover, everyone must have had a taste of these dates. Limited quantity, only available for a short time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Ingo Schulze
Hervorragende Qualität

Extrem frisch und fruchtiger Geschmack. Etwas anders in der Konsistenz als bei den konventionellen Produkten

Susanne Würzler

Hervorragende Qualität, saftig und guter Geschmack

Yasar Yüksel

Saftig und fleischig

Cremig und karamellig 👌

Super weich und cremig, ein Datteltraum❤️

Hans-Jürgen Stöcks
super schmackhafte Datteln zum guten Preis

wie jedes Jahr vorzüglich

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