Pistazienkerne Bio, Rohkost

Organic pistachio kernels, raw food

Sale price29,99 €
59,98 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 71018
Weight:500 g

Buy pistachios - shelled & organic quality

Our organic pistachio kernels are bright green, tender and crunchy and have a delicious, sweet and nutty aroma. Pistachio kernels are versatile in the kitchen - especially when it comes to desserts and sweet dishes. Their characteristic, aromatic taste is known from pistachio ice cream, Mozart balls or the Turkish sweet pastry baklava, for example. But pistachios are also traditionally used in savory recipes, for example in the sausage specialty mortadella or as the basis for pistachio pesto. Shelled pistachios are particularly suitable for further processing in the kitchen, as shelling pistachios is a time-consuming process. You can buy untreated pistachios from us - without shells and in organic quality.

Natural taste: shelled pistachio kernels

The hard, beige shell has already been removed from these pistachio kernels. Only the thin, in some places reddish to purple-colored skin that lies between the kernel and the shell still surrounds them (see article image). You can eat this skin without further ado. Our shelled pistachio kernels are completely native - neither salted nor roasted. They are gently dried at low temperatures and are therefore of raw food quality. Their fresh, characteristic pistachio aroma is therefore much more pronounced than that of roasted and salted pistachios.

Are pistachios healthy?

The gentle processing of pistachios at low temperatures has another advantage: all the nutrients in the fruit are preserved. And the small, green "smiling nut" - as it is affectionately known in Persia - has an amazing amount of them. Pistachio kernels serve the body as a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids and vegetable proteins, have a high concentration of antioxidants and contain many trace elements such as iron and magnesium and vitamin B1.

Pistachios: The green gold from Persia

In our online store, you will find pistachios of the Akbari variety. This comes from Rafsanjan, a city in the Iranian province of Kerman, which has always been known for its pistachio cultivation. Pistachios have their origins in Persia and have been cultivated there for several millennia. The Iranian highlands around the Kerman region are ideal for growing pistachios due to the geological and climatic conditions. Large quantities of pistachios are now also grown in the USA, Turkey and Spain. However, Iran still accounts for the largest share of global pistachio production at 50%. Around 22 million people there make a living from pistachio cultivation.

"The smiling nut" - interesting facts about pistachios

Botanically speaking, pistachios are not nuts. Rather, like mangoes and cashew nuts, they belong to the sumac family and are therefore considered stone fruits. The pistachio could therefore also be described as the little sister of the mango - and if you look at the reddish, oval fruits of the pistachio tree, you can certainly recognize a certain similarity.

The green kernel of the pistachio is surrounded by a hard, beige shell, which in turn is covered by a fleshy skin. As soon as this skin turns a reddish color, this is a sign that the pistachios are ripe. In the final growth phase, the green pistachio kernels inside receive a significant growth spurt, causing the beige shell to crack open. Pistachios owe their nickname "smiling nut" to this phenomenon.

Pistachio kernels in combination with dates

As described above, pistachios can be used to make many great desserts. However, the bright green, nutty fruit also tastes great in combination with dates. They are particularly recommended in combination with our juicy, fresh Fankha Super Fresh dates, for example. The fine, honey-sweet aroma of the Fankha variety combined with the nutty, spicy aroma of the pistachio is reminiscent of the Turkish specialty baklava.

Our fresh Medjool dates with their delicately sweet, caramelized aroma also taste great with pistachios. Preparation couldn't be easier: Pit the dates and fill them with pistachio kernels, and in no time you have a great sweet treat to serve with tea and coffee.

At NaraFood you will find a large selection of fresh organic dates and you can also buy untreated organic pistachios.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Leonore Huber

Pistazienkerne Bio, Rohkost

Pistazien Rohkost

Es war nicht eine Pistazie schlecht.Bin sehr zufrieden

Michael Schulz
Sehr schmackhafte Pistazien

Wir haben schon einige Pistazien-Lieferanten durch. Die Nara-Pistazien gefallen/schmecken uns am besten.

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