Wanan Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Wanan Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Wanan Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Wanan Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Wanan Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Wanan Super Fresh Bio Datteln

Organic Wanan Super Fresh Dates

Sale price6,99 €
4,37 € /100g
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 18011
Weight:160 g

*** Bitte wähle beim Check-Out den Express-Versand, damit die Super Fresh Datteln gut bei dir ankommen. ***

  • Ursprungsland: Saudi-Arabien

  • Geschmack: mild-süß and zimtig

  • Konsistenz: saftig, cremig, weich, and zartschmelzend

  • Lagerung: Gefrierfach

  • Inspiration: mit verschiedenen Nussmusen füllen, eisgekühlt genießen, als "Praline" zum Kaffee servieren

Wanan Super Fresh from organic cultivation

Like the Fankha date, the Wanan also comes from the oases of the Tuwaiq Mountains, where the mineral-rich water turns the otherwise dry desert soil into exceptionally fertile land.

Wanan is a very mild, pleasant date with a low proportion of fruit acid. It therefore has a particularly delicate taste and a subtle hint of cinnamon. We stock wanan in our range both as a fresh product and in the Super Fresh class, whereby its aroma is even more intense in this particularly fresh variety.

Wanan is often compared with the Medjool date. Although the Wanan date has an exceptionally dark color in contrast to the light-reddish Medjool, the two varieties are similar in terms of their flesh, which is particularly lush, rich and soft in both the Medjool and the Wanan. Such a comparison with the king date raises high expectations among date connoisseurs, but they are by no means disappointed. With its fine, pleasant aroma, wanan is definitely one of our favorite varieties.

Apart from that, the Wanan, like the Mactoumi and the Fankha, is an old, original variety that is hardly represented on the European market. It is very important to us to highlight these forgotten varieties and support the greatest possible variety of dates.

While the fresh variety is also ideal for stuffing with nuts or candied fruit, the Wanan super fresh is so delicious, soft and juicy that it is best eaten on its own.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Erhard Beck

Unglaublich frisch, zart, saftig. So gute Datteln kannte ich noch nicht.

Gabriele Manske-Riehl

🙌 super

Daniel L.
Sehr frisch und lecker

Die Super-Fresh Datteln sind wirklich sehr frisch und sehr, sehr lecker, auch die Auswahl verschiedener Sorten ist klasse… sehr gut 👍

Patricia Nocon
Sooo lecker

Wirklich was ganz Besonderes

Vanessa Propson
Mein neuer Liebling

Sie ist einfach köstlich, zart, zergeht um Mund. Nicht so aufdringlich, einfach perfekt. Mein neuer Liebling.

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