Wilde Kakao Nibs Bio

Wild cocoa nibs organic

Sale price4,99 €
3,33 € /100g
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 51501
Weight:150 g

Wild cocoa nibs in organic quality: enjoyment from the forests of Bolivia

Our cocoa beans come from the untouched forests of Bolivia, where they are sustainably harvested from the wild. This means that they are not cultivated, but harvested by hand in their natural environment. We pay attention to preserving biodiversity and supporting local communities. Immerse yourself in the unique taste and unmistakable aroma of these wild cocoa nibs.

Gently roasted and coarsely ground

Our wild cocoa nibs are carefully processed to intensify their flavor. The cocoa beans are gently roasted, allowing their natural flavors to develop. They are then coarsely ground into nibs. This process preserves the valuable ingredients of the cocoa beans and gives the cocoa nibs their unique crunchy texture and unmistakable taste.

Versatile: the perfect topping

Wild cocoa nibs are extremely versatile in the kitchen. They are ideal as a topping for muesli, yogurt, smoothie bowls and much more. Sprinkle a handful of these crunchy nibs over your breakfast and enjoy the delicious taste and pleasant texture. The wild cocoa nibs give your creations a hint of chocolate and provide a unique taste experience. Create your own culinary masterpieces and let the wild cocoa nibs inspire you.

Our tip: enjoy wild cocoa nibs in combination with dates and nut butter

For a special moment of indulgence, combine our wild cocoa nibs with dates and nut butter. The bittersweet note of cocoa nibs harmonizes perfectly with the creamy consistency of nut butters and the natural sweetness of dates. Combine them to create a delicious snack that is not only tasty but also rich in nutrients. Whether as a snack between meals or as a special highlight when enjoying sweet treats - the combination of wild cocoa nibs, nut butters and dates will delight you. We particularly recommend a mild cashew butter or white almond butter.

Experience the unique taste and intense aroma of wild cocoa nibs from the forests of Bolivia. Let yourself be enchanted by their naturalness and unmistakable taste and create culinary masterpieces with a hint of the wild.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Sabine Freitag
ausgezeichneter Geschmack

schnelle Lieferung, köstliche Ware

Tabea Ohliger
Hochwertige Kakaonibs

Die Kakaonibs schmecken sehr gut, überhaupt nicht bitter!

Lisa Egger

Sehr gut

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