Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln

Fankha Super Fresh Organic Dates

Sale price6,99 €
43,69 € /kg
Sold out
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 19031

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  • Ursprungsland: Saudi-Arabien

  • Geschmack: süß, nussig, and fruchtig

  • Konsistenz: saftig and cremig-weich

  • Lagerung: Gefrierfach

  • Inspiration: mit Nüssen kombinieren, eisgekühlt genießen

Fankha Super Fresh from organic cultivation.

At the foot of the Tuwaiq Mountains, the desert seems to miraculously come to life. In these oases, so rich in mineral-rich aquifers, the Fankha date is at home. In the green desert gardens of the mountainous region, summer temperatures range between 35°C and 40°C - ideal conditions for the ripening process of the fruit, which loves the dry heat. In winter, on the other hand, it can get quite cool in this region, with sometimes heavy rainfall at 4°C to 10°C.

On a trip to the date farms, we were allowed to taste the freshest dates of this variety. Even before the harvest season begins, they are carefully picked by hand early in the morning before it gets too hot. From the very first bite, this date thrilled us. Under the tender, amber-colored skin hides a rich flesh with a pleasantly sweet, slightly nutty flavor.

Stored in a cool place, the fruit loses none of its freshness and juiciness and tastes just like it was freshly picked from the palm tree. While the lush flesh literally melts in your mouth, you can easily be taken on a journey to the Arabian world.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Sehr gut!

Wirklich super frisch.

Thomas Bernard

Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln

Besser geht nicht!

Sooooo lecker, bin total begeistert!
Die Fankha Super Fresh Bio Datteln sind ein Traum. Im Ranking kommen danach die Sukkari Bio Datteln.

Rachid Lazouane
Geile Datteln

Ihr seid die besten

Annett Michel
The Best

Die besten Datteln überhaupt. Keine anderen mehr. Übrigens, sehr schnelle Lieferung. Danke

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