Filled dates
Filled dates
Filled dates

Filled dates

Sale price19,99 €
5,48 € /100g
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 63916
Weight:365 g
  • Country of origin: U.A.E.

  • Taste: süß, nussig, and erfrischend-fruchtig

  • Consistency: weich, bissfest, and crunchy

  • Storage: Kühl und trocken

  • Inspiration: festliche Buffets, besondere Momente, als Geschenk für die Liebsten

The delicious variety of filled dates: A treat for gourmets

In the world of fine delicacies, there are few things that tantalize the senses as much as the delicate combination of sweet dates and nutty, fruity fillings. Three different varieties await you in this pack, offering a real explosion of flavor: Dates stuffed with orange peel, Dates stuffed with almonds and Dates stuffed with pistachios.

Buy filled dates: A delight for all the senses

These exquisite delicacies combine the sweetness of dates with the intense aroma of various fillings to create a taste composition that is incomparable.

Dates filled with nuts: A feast for nut lovers

For all nut lovers, dates stuffed with almonds and pistachios are an absolute must. These delicate fruits are carefully filled with crunchy almonds and creamy pistachios to create an irresistible combination of sweet and nutty. Every bite into these stuffed dates is a feast for the senses and lets you enjoy the full flavor of the nuts. Whether as a snack between meals or as a delicious addition to desserts, dates stuffed with nuts are a real treat.

A feast for the senses: stuffed dates for special moments

Stuffed dates are not only a treat for the palate, but also an excellent choice for special moments and festive occasions. Whether as part of a festive buffet, as a gift for a loved one or simply as a delicious treat for yourself - stuffed dates are always a good choice. Their varied flavors offer something for everyone and make them an essential part of any gourmet palette.

A little note about the ingredients

At this stage, not all the ingredients in this product are certified organic. With this first batch, we would like to give it a try to see if the product meets the taste of our customers. If this is the case, the producer has assured us that he will only use purely organic ingredients for the next batches.

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Dominique Schmidt

Super schnelle Lieferung
Super lecker Datteln

Ivo Sics
Filled dates

Hallo. Vielen Dank für die schönen Daten und die schöne Verpackung. Meine Kollegen, die ich damit behandelt habe, waren begeistert und angenehm überrascht. Nochmals herzlichen Dank.

Cerstin Lühmann
Richtig lecker

Diese gefüllten Datteln sind echt mega ich liebe sie . Kann ich auf jeden Fall empfehlen

Herbert Frimmer

Die gefüllten Datteln haben nicht nur mir sondern auch meiner Frau sehr gut geschmeckt die normalerweise keine Datteln ist. Wird auf jeden fall wieder gekauft.

Margit S.

Die gefüllten Datteln schmecken wunderbar und sind so schön einzeln in Pralinenförmchen verpackt!!! Dieses Jahr haben wir diese tollen Datteln statt Weihnachtsplätzchen! Herrlich!

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