Grapefruits Bio

Grapefruits organic

Sale price5,80 €
5,80 € /kg
Sold out
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 56011

Fresh and fair traded organic grapefruits

They are bright yellow, almost the size of two fists and exude an indescribably intense, wonderful fragrance that is unique to these citrus fruits: the juicy organic grapefruits that we have obtained from our Sufi date farmer in Iran.

What do white grapefruits have to do with our organic dates?

Perhaps the question arises, how fresh citrus fruits fit into our assortment. The answer is: very well! These organic grapefruits, as well as our organic oranges, are already a delight in themselves, but they are also neighbors of our dates and the reason for their quality. To understand why this is so, one must know that there is an old tradition among date farmers, which is dying out in times of modern agricultural technology and chemistry. Date palms do not grow here in easily mechanized monocultures, but in a close association of various plants and animals, which together form what our people imagine by the beautiful word "palm garden". Between the towering trunks of the date palms, orange and grapefruit trees provide shade, where donkeys and other animals graze among purple flowering alfalfa clover that covers the soil of the date gardens.

Natural and edible pest control thanks to grapefruits and oranges.

This mixed crop is not only beautiful to look at. It is also to this that our organic Mazafati dates owe their superior quality, because it is the citrus trees and the scent of the essential oils contained in the fruits and leaves that keep those pests away from the date palms that classic palm monocultures often have to contend with. In fact, the dates consistently rank at the top of our stringent quality controls, causing virtually no waste. When we became aware of the underlying context during a site visit with the farmers, we were thrilled. From then on, we have not let go of the desire to offer not only the dates of our partners, but also the full-bodied grapefruits from the date groves here.

Whether grapefruit juice or pure: the extra portion of vitamin C for every day

Under a not too thick skin, which contains essential oil and is responsible for the wonderful scent of the fruit, is the actual white-fleshed fruit. Even as you peel it, you have to be careful not to accidentally splash any fruit acid in your eyes, because the flesh is bursting with juice and valuable ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C. The list of benefits is long: among other things, vitamin C protects cells from oxidative stress, supports the nervous system, energy metabolism and helps with fatigue and exhaustion. First and foremost, however, there is the delicate, sweet and sour aroma that makes seed-bearing grapefruits so fantastic.

Buy organic grapefruits conveniently in our online store

If you are in the mood for a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, a smoothie or fruit salad, to which the fresh, lemony aroma of the grapefruit gives the final kick, you have to be quick: our fruits are only available seasonally. Therefore, still order online now!

Recipes with our dates

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