Khidri Bio Datteln
Khidri Bio Datteln
Khidri Bio Datteln
Khidri Bio Datteln
Khidri Bio Datteln

Khidri organic dates

Sale price11,99 €
29,98 € /kg
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 19041
Weight:400 g
  • Country of origin: Saudi-Arabien

  • Taste: süß and rosinig

  • Consistency: weich

  • Storage: Kühlschrank

  • Inspiration: zum Tee servieren, mit Nüssen kombinieren

Khidri Organic Dates

The Khidri is a noble date. The large, elongated fruit is surrounded by a smooth, thin-leafed skin with a dark, chestnut-red color and a matte sheen. The luscious flesh of the khidri has a subtle, pleasant sweetness and, as it ripens, develops flavors reminiscent of the fruity-sweet taste of raisins or raisins. In the aftertaste, the Khidri has an intense, warm caramel note.

The Khidri date variety originated in Egypt, but is now common throughout the Arab world. We get our Khidri dates directly from our date farmer in Saudi Arabia. Like all our dates, Khidri are sun-ripened, completely untreated and organically grown according to EU guidelines.

Sun-ripened energy source: Khidri Organic Dates

The consistency of the flesh of dates sometimes depends on when in the ripening phase the fruit was harvested. The earlier the fruit is harvested, the softer and juicier it is. If the fruit is left to ripen on the palm for longer, the flesh gradually loses moisture, the fibers become denser and the fruit acquires a somewhat firmer, slightly chewy consistency.

Khidri dates are often harvested when the flesh has reached a certain level of ripeness, giving it firmness and a pleasant bite. In this state, khidri can be stored very well for long periods of time and has little tendency to become sugary.

Caramel sweetness, creamy softness and juiciness

On the other hand, when khidri dates are harvested earlier in the ripening stage, their flesh is juicy, soft and creamy. It then has a pleasant bite - roughly comparable to a ripe, juicy apricot.

The fresher the dates are harvested, the more likely they are to tend to become sugared out as the season progresses. This is a completely natural process and absolutely harmless. During sugaring, the juice contained in the fruit forms sugar crystals, which then settle on the skin of the date. This often happens especially when the skin of the date is slightly damaged in one place.

Current harvest

The dates we receive from our farmer can vary somewhat from year to year - from harvest to harvest. It depends on the exact time of harvest and weather conditions, similar to grape harvest. The Khidri dates we got with the current harvest are, for the most part, very soft and juicy. They virtually melt in your mouth when you bite into them and are a delicious, juicy source of energy. In our online store you can buy these delicious fresh dates in the most direct way.

Storing dates: how do khidri stay fresh the longest?

Whether the fruit is rather soft or firm, we recommend in any case to store the Khidri dates in a cool place. Cool storage ensures that fruits that are still very soft and juicy do not harden so quickly. The somewhat firmer dates also benefit from cool storage, as they remain aromatic and tasty for a long time. Before eating, however, the khidri dates should be warmed up to room temperature so that they can develop their flavor even better and the many different aromas hidden in the sweetness of the fruit are shown to their best advantage. You can also find more tips on storing dates on our blog.

Healthy snacking with Khidri dates

Khidri dates have an almost majestic size and a lush flesh. They are wonderful to serve as a sweet with tea and coffee, or as a small, light dessert. But they are also an energy-rich snack between meals, providing the body with important nutrients. Among a variety of different minerals and trace elements, dates contain potassium, magnesium and iron. In addition, dates are a source of dietary fiber, which gently stimulates digestion. The natural fructose content in dates serves to replenish the body's energy reserves in no time.

Khidri dates in combination

In our opinion, the fine, caramel sweetness of Khidri dates harmonizes particularly well with our gently roasted organic hazelnuts or - for those who prefer raw food - our hazelnut pure e in organic raw food quality. Cut open the dates, pit them, fill them and enjoy.

Date cubes from Khidri organic dates

If you want to use Khidri dates with their mild, raisiny sweetness for cooking and baking, you can also buy already pitted and chopped dates from us. For our date cubes Khidri dates are used, which are pitted and then cut into small cubes. The date cubes are soaked in rice flour to prevent them from clumping together. They are thus wonderfully suitable for further processing in the kitchen: for example, as a baking ingredient, to flavor sweet oriental sauces or as a morning energy kick in muesli.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Sigrid Pohlmann

Intensiver Geschmack, dabei nicht zu süss

Sandra Köhler

Knack in der Schale und innen soft weich.

Josef Koprek
Khidri ist sehr gut

Gegenüber Mazafati ist Khidri für meinen Geschmack noch ein Stückchen besser. Aber man muß sie sich auch leisten können. So gesehen ist für mich die Khidri was für die Festlichkeit, die Mazafati die Praline für den Alltag.

Andreas Schreiner

Auf einer Veranstaltung gekostet, wir kannten sonst nur die billigen, klebrigen aus dem Supermarkt. Unbedingt zu empfehlen, wir haben jetzt schon nachbestellt, tolle Sorten



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