Mangos Bio
Mangos Bio

Organic mangoes

Sale price26,49 €
22,08 € /kg
Sold out
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 86101

Fresh organic mangoes from NaraFood

For a short time only, we are offering fresh mangoes of the Maha-Chanok variety in organic quality from Thailand. These are the last fruits before the mango season in Thailand comes to an end. The fruits remain on the tree until they are fully ripe and are therefore particularly tasty, sweet and aromatic. Their luscious flesh, which surrounds the flat seed core, is creamy-soft, deliciously juicy and virtually fiber-free.

Compared to the Nam Dok Mai variety, which is mainly harvested at the beginning of the Thai mango season, the fruit of the Maha-Chanok variety is even fruitier in taste and has an even more intense mango character. Externally, it is distinguished by its pink-red cheeks. Many mango lovers describe this variety as the very best on the market.

Explanation of the container sizes

The individual fruits weigh between 300 g and 550 g, depending on their size. For shipping, we weigh the mangoes and put together packs of 1.2 kg - this corresponds to 3-4 fruits.

Shelf life: How long can fresh mangoes be kept?

The mangoes have already reached full ripeness and can be eaten straight away. However, they can also be stored in a cool place for up to 2 weeks.

What is the best way to eat mangoes?

As the seed core of the organic mango Maha-Chanok is very flat, the fruit has a particularly large amount of flesh. It is best to cut along the seed core once on the right and once on the left to get the two largest possible pieces of fruit. These can either be scooped out or cut into a diamond shape and "turned inside out". You can then remove the skin from the flat "middle slice" and cut out the remaining flesh with a knife or simply bite it off.

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