Sukkari Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Sukkari Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Sukkari Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Sukkari Super Fresh Bio Datteln
Sukkari Super Fresh Bio Datteln

Organic Sukkari Super Fresh Dates

Sale price5,99 €
3,74 € /100g
Sold out
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
SKU: 13001
  • Country of origin: Saudi-Arabien

  • Taste: karamellig, nussig, and zuckersüß

  • Consistency: cremig, knusprig, and weich

  • Storage: Gefrierfach

  • Inspiration: Karamell-Bonbon, mit verschiedenen Nussmusen füllen, natürlicher "Zuckerwürfel" zu Heißgetränken

Sukkari dates live up to their name

Sukkari Super Fresh dates are soft, fruity and juicy in taste.

Sugar is called sukkari in Arabic. Yes, the Sukkari is a sugar-sweet date with a creamy, nutty note. The largest date of this variety that we saw and tasted was the size of a fig. It grows on an island in the Persian Gulf and can only be enjoyed locally. The earlier the succari is harvested, the fruitier and juicier it is. As dates do not ripen at the same time, they are divided into different categories and marketed accordingly. The Super Fresh category describes dates of the highest quality and freshness. The drying out of the succari date begins at the point where it was hanging on the vine. The lack of moisture causes the fructose to crystallize and the date hardens at this point. Many people like the date half soft, half hard. It is popular in coffee and tea houses because it replaces added sugar when drinking coffee. When sipped, the fruit sugar crystals dissolve and give the coffee or tea a special flavor.

Dates are rich in minerals such as calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin A, B-complex and vitamin C. Fresh dates are soft and easy to digest, but also an energy booster due to their high fructose and dextrose content. No wonder the Bedouins have a balanced diet. They can survive for months on water and dates without suffering from a deficiency. For this reason, dates are highly valued in the Arabian Peninsula and other desert regions of the world. Upon entering an Arab home, dates and a glass of water are served as a greeting.

The origin of our organic Sukkari dates

Sukkari dates originally come from Iraq, along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, where the Garden of Eden used to be. Until the destruction of Iraq, dates were the country's top export. Due to the popularity of these dates, many Gulf states began cultivating succari date palms at the end of the 1970s. The well-known oasis "Al Quasim" has become the center of succari cultivation. We source our dates from this oasis and are delighted with their popularity.

Our dates come from controlled organic farming and are therefore certified organic. Our plantations are cultivated according to a centuries-old tradition and fertilized with self-produced compost.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Ismail und das Team der MSG-Heidelberg
Honig in Dattelform, mit Kern

Soooo süß, sooo ein Genuss, heimlich genießen...


Mega leckere Datteln, Schnelle Lieferung! Ich bin unglaublich zufrieden, schade das die Datteln hier ausverkauft sind.

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